UX+ University for Companies
Supercharge your UX hiring by partnering with us. Post your job openings, get access to trained UX+ alumni and vetted candidates, conduct UX projects worked on by our students, and much more! Best of all, it's free.
Get early access to the résumés and portfolios of up-and-coming design talent.
Request for introductions or reach out directly to UX professionals within the UX+ University Student Directory.
Post your full-time, part-time, and freelance job openings for free.
Present company profiles and available job openings for over two days in each batch’s last month.
Collaborate with our students in solving your company’s UX problems at no cost to your business.
For Premium Partners, get a free 5-hour UX Fundamentals Workshop for your employees, free tickets to UX+ Conference, and UX+ University discounts for your employees.
We're proud to teach aspiring UX professionals and place them in the world's best companies. We've also partnered with great organizations to provide exclusive student perks.
Inquire about UX+ Partnerships